Posts Tagged ‘Festival’


    Date: 2015.09.17 | Category: Events, Free Festival | Response: 0


    THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE!!!  Fast Surfdorp for always and ever in our dreams
    A big thanks to all of you for being part of this astonishing edition!
    Everyone contributed a few hours of their passion, and in return we got a weekend full of FUN. And what a weekend…..

    Love, Dream, Be Free

  • DREAMS Free Festival 2015

    Date: 2015.04.20 | Category: Events, Free Festival | Response: 0

    Dreams Free Festival

    A big thanks to all of you for being part of this astonishing edition!
    Everyone contributed a few hours of their passion, and in return we got a weekend full of FUN. And what a weekend…..

    Love, Dream, Be Free


    LINE UP:

    13:45-14:15 Valerie Branoux
    15:00-15:30 I’m With Stupid
    16:15-16.45 Son Mieux
    17.30-18.00 Trio Escobar
    18:45-19:15 Julian Said Fire
    20:00-20.30 Crystal Water
    21:15-21.45 Woof Woof Ridicule
    22:30-23:00 The Gypsy Liars
    23:45-00:15 Offshore
    01:00-01:30 Ten-Hut

    13:00 CircusKabel​
    13:00 Stichting Aight
    14:00 Repair Kid
    14:00 Skateboarding
    15:00 SkateFever
    23:00 LEDROBOT

    18:00-18:45 Suburbs
    19:15-20:00 ZDA
    20:30-21:15 Permanentmarker
    21:45-22:30 The Hague Blues Orchestra
    23:00-23:45 Early Late Twenties
    00:15-01:00 Aegir the artist

    DJ Stage:
    14:00-16:00 Draaidoorcriminelen
    16:00-18:00 Pacific Riders
    18:00-19:00 DJ Larc
    19:00-20:00 Missing Sense
    20:00-21:00 Natousch & DJ Lao Lao
    21:00-22:00 Jori Langerak
    22:00-23:00 Omega C
    23:00-00:00 The Soulslammer
    00:00-01:00 Ericsimo & Robbie Westwood
    01:00-02:00 Vince Irie
    02:00-04:00 Radio NOET-NOET

    Day 2:

    13:00-13:45 Stef van Es
    14:30-15.15 Sir +
    15.45-16.30 Fort Wonder
    17.15-18.00 General Jabbah
    18.45-19.30 The Ridge Tells
    20:15-21:00 Don & the Usual Suspects
    21:30-? Piñata (jamsession)

    DJ Stage:
    14:00-15:30 Jeroen Groeneveld & Moosz
    15:30-17:00 The High Class & Mystic Pulse
    17:00-18:30 DJ Funkelou
    18:30-20:00 DJ JOA

    Sponsored by:
    Kees Knaap Zeefdruk, Café Cremers, De Grondslag, Alba Sign, Stickersthatstick, Vans, Santa Cruz, Sweatshop Skatepark, Dusters, Imperial Motion and MIZU.

    The whole festival is based on 0 euros. The idea is that everyone contributes a few hours of their passion, and in return get a weekend full of FUN.

    Dreams Free Festival ::: Official After Website 2014
    Dreams Free Festival ::: Official After Website 2013
    Dreams Free Festival ::: Official After Website 2012

  • Dreams Free Festival 2014

    Date: 2014.05.16 | Category: Events, Free Festival, Party | Response: 0

    Dreams Free Festival 2014

    FREE Entrance, FREE participation.
    A free festival for free people!! Pura Vida!

    The whole festival is based on 0 euros. The idea is that everyone contributes a few hours of their passion, and in return get a weekend full of FUN.

    Saturday 3 May
    15:30-16:15 Trio Escobar
    16:45-17:30 Tarzans My Daddy
    18:00-18.30 Son Mieux
    19.00-19.45 Mik Adrian
    20:15-21:00 Political Pop Bitch
    21:30-22.15 A Cure for Grafity
    22:45-23.15 The Gypsy Liars
    23:45-00:30 Taymir
    01:00-02:00 Patrick Smith (Splendid)

    Sunday 4 May
    15:30-16:00 Valerie Branoux
    16:20-16.50 Bryony Burns
    17.10-17.40 The Cult of the Secret Samurai
    18.00-18.30 Chris Kuhlen
    18.50-19.30 The Ridge Tells

    and many more music, art, sports and fun!!

    Reusachtige knalrode stuiterballen, workshops graffiti en longboards maken, grote kleine kinderen van bijna veertig met hun kleine grote kinderen samen op een skateboard. DJ’s die funk, soul en hiphop draaien. Psychedelische rockstoners, drum ‘n’ bass, jongeren met baggy trousers, hier en daar wat NK surfers, en meisjes in korte rokjes met felgekleurde roomijsjes … Een grote speeltuin voor jong en oud. Dat kan toch alleen maar in je dromen???

    Free Festival
    Den Haag is wereldwijd gekend als internationale Stad van Vrede en Recht. Dit profiel van Stad van Vrede en Recht wordt aangevuld en versterkt door de organisatie van het Free Festival. Want daar waar internationale conflicten op vreedzame en rechtvaardige wijze in Den Haag worden beslecht, zo dragen sport, kunst en cultuur met hun ontvankelijkheid voor alles wat anders is bij aan het voorkomen van tegenstellingen die kunnen ontaarden in onrecht.

    Street/Skate cultuur in Nederland
    Skateboarden is internationaal gezien een van de grootste sporten en lifestyles van dit moment. Ook in Nederland is het de afgelopen 30 jaar uitgegroeid tot een totaal eigen lifestyle. Skateboarden gaat veelal op met kunst, muziek en graffiti.
    Voor skaters is vrijheid het belangrijkste! Het symbool van de skater is een skateboard, die staat voor hun vrijheid en ruimte. De spirit van het skaten staat werkelijk voor “vrijheid, blijheid”
    Skaters staan ook heel tolerant tegenover andere stijlen en culturen. Respect en elkaar helpen!

    Sport, kunst, muziek en cultuur dragen bij aan burgerschap, laten emoties en ervaringen opbloeien en verwelkomen het onbekende. Hoe gaan we met elkaar om, wat mogen we doen en wat mogen we laten. Daarbij staan de begrippen samenwerken en ontmoeten centraal. Door de sociale cohesie en het wederzijds begrip voor elkaar te bevorderen kunnen er nieuwe samenwerkingen en ontmoetingen onder mensen ontstaan.
    Wij van Dreams staan er al 14 jaar middenin en organiseren evenementen, workshops/lessen, feesten en we promoten deze subcultuur onder de jeugd.

    Dreams Free Festival ::: Official After Website 2013
    Dreams Free Festival ::: Official After Website 2012

  • BLIK Styling

    Date: 2014.03.05 | Category: Art, Events, Free Festival | Response: 0


    Blik: styling, etalage en interieur
    Bijzondere en verrassende ontwerpen voor interieur en etalage.
    De stylisten van Blik maken van uw etalage, interieur of evenement een echte blikvanger.
    Eigenwijs, eigentijds en professioneel !!
    De etalage- en productontwerpen die ze maken bevatten vaak alledaagse, hergebruikte elementen die in het atelier omgetoverd worden tot bijzondere objecten.

    Tijdens het Dreams Free Festival verzorgt BLIK de aankleding en zal er gewerkt worden aan een nieuw etalage-ontwerp gemaakt van plastic tasjes.

    For more info:

  • The Outside – Music for film, theatre and commercials

    Date: 2014.02.26 | Category: Free Festival, Music | Response: 0

    Frans Buiten, aka `The Outside`, produces music in general, but is specialized in making music for film, theatre and commercials.
    He has experience in a wide variety of acoustic art forms, from radio broadcasting, to accompanying live performances, to editing sound, and sound mastering. Under the name `The Outside`, Frans Buiten (His surname ‘Buiten’ literally translates to Outside) has produced soundtracks for several commercials (like Ortel Mobile) and even big pieces of scores for, especially, Dutch surfing movies. Frans has worked for and with Kees Prins, from the famous Dutch TV show called `Jiskefet`. He also produced his own solo album called `A fist full of dreams`, from which every single track has been used for something, including one track called `Ion` which has been aired on MTV, for several days. Frans has won second price, for `best Dutch dance producer`, even though his music is not typically `dance music`.

    The advantages of using customized soundtracks for films, is that you cannot only edit the movie unto a prefixed sound track, which is usually the case but you can also edit the sound unto the film, for instance move a break or a certain sound back and forth, to make perfect timing/impact possible. His soundtracks can be bought free of Buma/Stemra copyright protection. Making it easier (and cheaper!!!) for large-scale distribution, and/or TV/radio broadcasting. Since Frans also has lot of experience in moviemaking in general, (he worked on Paul Verhoeven`s `Zwartboek`, and on Tony Scott`s blockbuster movie `Spy game`) he might even have some ideas of his own, which, in the process of converting your ideas into picture and sound, can be very useful indeed.

    Check for more information and nice tunes:

  • Dreams Free Festival 2013

    Date: 2013.07.10 | Category: Events, Free Festival, Party | Response: 0

    FREE Entrance, FREE participation.
    A free festival for free people!! Pura Vida!

    The whole festival is based on 0 euros. The idea is that everyone contributes a few hours of their passion, and in return get a weekend full of FUN.

    ::: PHOTOS Dreams Free FASTival 2013 >>
    ::: Dreams Free FASTival 2013 on FaceBook >>

    ::: THE HAGUE FESTIVALS 2013 >>


    ::: Dreams Free Festival ::: Official Aftermovie 2012 >>

  • Free Festival Party ::: 02-02-13

    Date: 2013.02.02 | Category: Party | Response: 0

    Free Festival Party ::: 02-02-13
    Photo: DJ Foxy and MC Denice ♥

    02-02-13 ::: FAST Scheveningen ::: 21:00 – 02:00
    To celebrate the 2nd edition of the Dreams Free FASTival, coming up this summer !!!

    Line up:
    – DJ Foxy
    – MC Denice
    – Studio Scheef
    – Shake a.k.a. Jill Martens
    – BLIK: styling
    – Dare to be Creative: supported by Artifac, tekenvakhandel

    A free festival for free people!! Pura Vida!

  • Dreams Free Festival 2012

    Date: 2013.01.05 | Category: Events, Free Festival, Party, Videos | Response: 0

    2 days of concerts, dj’s, partying, playing, dancing, laughing during the Dreams Free FASTival
    FREE Entrance, FREE participation.

    The whole festival is based on 0 euros. The idea is that everyone contributes a few hours of their passion, and in return get a weekend full of FUN.

    During the festival, where entrance will not be charged, the young and the older will be able to come in contact with boardsports, art, music, and the relaxed atmosphere which naturally exists in this scene. 2 days of sporting, playing, enjoying, and partying!

    A free festival for free people!! Pura Vida!

  • AdrenalineSports

    Date: 2012.04.15 | Category: Free Festival | Response: 0

    AdrenalineSports bestaat al sinds 2001 als online magazine over mountainbike, skate, snow & surf.

    For more info:

  • Weekend of the Vans

    Date: 2012.04.02 | Category: Events | Response: 0

    Weekend of the Vans 2012

    Een campertje hebben, is pure vrijheid!!

    Pura Vida